Fat Transfer For Face

Restores facial volume and contours with natural fat

What is Fat Transfer Facial Surgery?

Fat transfer is designed to fill in wrinkles, imperfections or scars as well as to boost the volume of lips or cheeks to create a smoother and naturally fuller look.

Fat transfer has become an important part of body and facial surgery, and it is used to plump out, augment, and add volume with fat grafts.

Fat grafts can be taken from the stomach, thigh or inside of the knee and can be placed in all areas of the face.

This can be placed either superficially or in the deep compartments, which adds volume and rejuvenates the face for a more youthful appearance.
Plastic surgery, and in particular facial surgery, is a very complex procedure that involves detailed knowledge of anatomy, experience, and execution of great surgical techniques.

ASET Hospital’s elite and highly experienced surgeons specialise in face cosmetic surgery and

Deciding to change the way you look through surgery takes courage and a lot of consideration. Your decision to have a procedure must be considered carefully and our Emotional Well-being Practitioner would support you through out your journey.

Who is Suitable for Fat Transfer Facial Surgery?

Patients undergoing fat transfer choose it for a range of reasons.

Some patients have suffered from injuries or undergone surgeries that have left them with deep scars or defects, loss of volume and deflation of facial tissues, whilst other patients simply would like to restore lost volume to their cheeks, lips or brows.

Fat transfer can improve defects and boost the overall appearance of certain areas.

In order to be a suitable candidate for fat transfer, we require you to have enough fat on your body (we usually take it from the abdomen, buttocks or hips) so we can extract it ready to be transferred.

We will talk you through this in detail at the consultation stage.


There are some possible risks, as with all surgery, which will be explained to you at the time of your fat transfer consultation.

This is an opportunity to discuss your aims and expectations, as fat transfer procedures are very much adjustable to one’s preferences because they have many variables (size, shape and depth).

You are allowing your consultant to determine your expectations and discuss the results that can be achieved. In order for you to make an informed choice, you must understand all aspects of the procedure and all possible outcomes.


The procedure is usually carried out under general anaesthesia (smaller procedures can be done under local anaesthetic) and takes around 1-3 hours.

You can either go home the same day or stay overnight in the hospital, depending on your individual case.

During the procedure, the surgeon will take the amount of fat needed from a suitable area (usually the abdomen, buttocks or hips).

The fat is then prepared; excess blood and fluid are removed. The healthy fat is transferred into small syringes.

Using a specially designed cannula, the fat is then injected into the desired area via tiny punctures in the skin.

The key to fat survival is in the injection of microdroplets of fat that allow them to take up a blood supply to survive (see below).

During the procedure, your skilled surgeon will deposit microdroplets of fat in a 3-dimensional grid to enhance the volume of the tissue whilst allowing as much of the fat to survive as possible.

This is a tricky procedure and can only be performed by the most highly skilled surgeons, including those on our team here at ASET Hospital.

After surgery, you can expect the donor area and the area of the body that received the fat to be swollen and possibly bruised.

The swelling takes a week or two to settle down. Over the first 3 months following the procedure, there may be an apparent loss of volume, and this is related to the reduction of swelling and absorption of fat cells that fail to pick up a blood supply.


Risks associated with fat transfer to the face are relatively rare but may include swelling, redness, bruising, lumps of fat under the skin, unevenness, infection, abscess, excessive bleeding and scarring.

Certain complications occur very rarely, and these include loss of vision or loss of a small area of skin.

If you have fat injected into two or more areas, asymmetry is also a risk.

Individuals vary greatly in their physical reactions and healing abilities, so it is important to consider the potential risks of this surgery before making a decision.

Our surgeons will meet with you to discuss the procedure and the risks so you can make an informed decision.

Procedure Key Points

Operating Time
2-3 Hours
Hospital Stay
Shower after 24 hours keeping wounds dry
1 week
6 weeks
Time off Work
1 week
Pressure garment for 2 weeks

Fat Transfer for Face cost at ASET Hospital

Please see our Procedure Costs page to explore our price options.

Fat Transfer For Face Surgeons

ASET Hospital

1 Sandstone Drive,
L35 7LS