Mole Removal

Removes moles for cosmetic or medical reasons

Mole removal is a medical procedure used to remove moles, which are growths on the skin that can be brown, black, or flesh-coloured.

Moles can be removed for cosmetic reasons if they are causing discomfort or if there is a suspicion of malignancy (cancerous potential).

Consultant plastic surgeon Mr Hassan Shaaban leads ASET Hospital’s minor surgical skin procedures clinic.

Mr Hassan Shaaban is a fully accredited British-trained NHS consultant plastic surgeon, and his plastic surgery career has expanded over 25 years.

What are the Different Types of Moles?

Moles can be used to describe a variety of sometimes quite different skin lesions:

Hairy Mole

They are usually raised and dark, with one or more long hairs growing from the surface. They are usually benign but are often of significant cosmetic concern.

Red Mole

Red-coloured moles are usually benign. They can be caused by a collection of blood vessels under the skin known as an angioma or haemangioma.

Dark Mole

Dark moles can range from flat dark patches of pigmentation to raised dark moles. They are usually of no clinical concern. Most requests for removal are due to appearance. However, any mole that has irregular borders or irregular pigmentation is growing rapidly and/or causes a specialist MUST see itching/bleeding.

Raised Moles

Raised moles can be hairy and/or dark, and apart from cosmetic appearance, they can sometimes interfere with clothing (e.g., bra straps) or grooming (e.g., a raised mole on the scalp).


Freckles are flat pigmented blemishes on the skin surface that can range in colour from light brown to black. The vast majority have no medical concerns, but occasionally, their location can cause cosmetic concerns (e.g., the tip of the nose).

Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags are small, benign skin growths raised from the skin surface on a stalk, and they often occur on the neck and armpits. Whilst they are benign, they can become irritated by clothing jewellery and can be cut when shaving.

Mole Removal Methods

  • Shave or scraping:
  • Excision (removal with the “root” and closing with stitches)
  • Laser removal
  • Large moles may require staged (serial) excision
  • Large moles may require reconstruction, skin grafts

Mole Removal Surgery FAQs

How long will it take to recover from a mole removal?

You can return to work immediately, but the area of operation can take up to 2 weeks to fully heal. *Individual results might vary

Will the NHS remove my mole?

A mole which is considered “suspicious” when viewed by a consultant in the NHS would be removed; however, if the Consultant considers the mole to be benign and the request for the mole removal is for cosmetic reasons, the NHS consultant may recommend that removal is carried out in the private sector.

When will I be able to drive after mole removal?

Whenever you feel confident enough to perform an emergency stop without discomfort, you may drive. Please check with your insurance company before you drive.

When will I be able to go back to work after mole removal?

You can return to work immediately, but the area of operation can take up to 2 weeks to fully heal.

Will there be a scar?

After mole removal, a small scar is almost always present. A scar takes around 6 months to mature, i.e., the scar may go from red to your natural skin colour or be slightly paler during this period. Unless there has been a complication (delayed healing, hypertrophic scarring or keloid formation), most scars end up being a relatively pale white line. *Individual results may vary.

Procedure Key Points

Operating Time
1-2 Hours
Hospital Stay
2-3 Hours
Shower after 24hour but keeping wound dry
24 hours
Nothing strenuous for 7 days
Time off Work
Back to work the next day
Stiches out after 7 days

Mole Removal cost at ASET Hospital

Please see our Procedure Costs page to explore our price options.

ASET Hospital

1 Sandstone Drive,
L35 7LS