
Reshapes the nose for improved function and appearance

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgery that seeks to enhance and reshape the nose. Many of our patients are looking to reduce or increase the size of their nose or have issues with the tip, bridge or nostril shape and size.

In order to reshape the nose, additional framework is introduced underneath the skin to help raise and straighten the bridge line.

In addition to using natural bone and cartilage (gristle), the surgeon may also use a range of manufactured substances that are tolerated by the body.


The most common reason individuals choose to undergo rhinoplasty surgery is to improve the appearance of their nose.

The nose is the central feature of the face, and many people are self-conscious of its shape which they may regard as too big, too small or have some other feature which they dislike.

Surgery to reshape the nose is very common, and it can both increase and decrease the size of the nose.

The shape of the tip, the bridge and also the nostrils can be changed as can the angle between the nose and the upper lip.

Sometimes, breathing difficulties can be corrected at the same time. Injury to the nose is a common cause of flatness. Occasionally, it is a characteristic which is inherited.

Reduction rhinoplasty reduces the size of the framework of the nose over which the skin is draped. The skin itself is not touched.

If doing so makes the nostrils seem too wide, it may be necessary to narrow them as well by cutting out a small piece of skin on the floor of the nostril, which would leave a fine scar on each side.

It is possible to shorten the nose and slim down a bulky tip by reducing the amount of cartilage which shapes the end of the nose.

If you have some difficulty breathing through your nose, it may be possible to improve this at the same time by adjusting the lie of the plate of the bone, which separates one half of your nose from the other. This is referred to as a Septoplasty.

How long will it take to recover from Rhinoplasty?

Following your surgery, expect some minor bleeding from your nose for the first day or two. Gently dab this away with gauze squares or a clean handkerchief.

Your face will appear swollen, and this may take several months to subside—be patient. Keep your head elevated as much as possible, and avoid hot showers or baths.

Do not blow your nose, and try not to sneeze through it. If you need to sneeze, do so by coughing it out.

Once the dressings are removed from your nostrils, you can clear your nose by sniffing into the back of your throat if needed.

Unless advised otherwise, it is best to leave any crusts in your nostrils until your surgeon removes the splint 1-2 weeks after the operation.

What happens post-operation?

The surgeon who performed your procedure will see you for a follow-up assessment six weeks post-surgery and as needed until you have fully recovered.

Attending all necessary post-operative appointments is crucial. While there is no medical reason for you to stay away from work for more than a few days, you may feel more comfortable taking two weeks off, allowing time for the bruising to subside before returning.

Procedure Key Points

Operating Time
2-4 hours
Hospital Stay
24 hours keeping wounds dry
2 weeks
Nothing strenuous for 6 weeks
Time off Work
2 weeks
Cast for 1 week

Rhinoplasty cost at ASET Hospital

Please see our Procedure Costs page to explore our price options.

Rhinoplasty Surgeons

ASET Hospital

1 Sandstone Drive,
L35 7LS