Breast asymmetry is when the breasts vary in size, shape, volume, or position. It affects more than half of all women. The common causes for breast asymmetry are Genetics, Hormone level changes (Puberty, the contraceptive pill and menopause), Weight gain, Pregnancy, Breast feeding or previous Breast surgery. Women with breast implants who experience changes in breast symmetry could have a ruptured implant or capsular contracture (The scar tissue around the implant becomes thickened).

Breast Asymmetry Treatment

It is perfectly normal to have asymmetrical breast but sometimes it can cause psychological distress and physical problems such as finding the right bra and clothes to fit comfortably. Asymmetry can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe and this determines the surgical treatment required. The surgical treatments range from breast reduction to reduce the size of the larger breast or breast augmentation to enlarge the smaller breast, both of these procedures can also improve the shape of the breasts. Breast uplift can help to change the position of the breasts and nipples to make them more symmetrical. If the difference between the breasts is small Fat transfer could be an option. Sometimes you will need more than one surgery to correct it, everyone’s treatment plan is individual!

Consultation for correction of Breast Asymmetry

Such consultations usually needs time, may be over multiple visits, to discuss the different options, expectations and build a better understanding with your surgeon. In severe cases of asymmetry, each breast may need a different procedure/s to achieve symmetry eg, reduce one breast and augment the other. It is important you understand your options and the risks.

Insta info

Breast asymmetry is normal and affects more than half of all women. There are different surgical procedures which can correct this based on the severity. Procedures such as Breast reduction of the larger breast or implant in the smaller breast are common. Implants can also change the shape of the breasts and an uplift can change the position. If the asymmetry is severe more than one procedure may be necessary to achieve more symmetrical breasts. However, no breasts are 100% symmetrical, even after surgery!